Online event on 12.04.2023

Purchasing controlling-bid of the hour!?

Purchasing controlling-bid of the hour!?

(ul) "The profit is in purchasing," you learn as an apprentier: r already in the vocational school. As an experienced controller, you know how important it is to pay attention to shopping. And right now, if prices change continuously, sometimes even hourly, the bid of the hour is shopping controlling.

Successful controllers: inside know exactly which raw materials or Half-share them at what price when. You observe software support in addition to the actual, the planning of the purchase, and solve the material requirements by rolling forecasts . You analyze continuously deviations of material prices and costs. You can see early bottlenecks in inventory, analyze the rotation of the goods, and at the push of a button, which product in the warehouse, which causes costs. Meaningful key figures that make purchasing controlling so important for the company's success generate them up-to-date and exactly the way they need it.

With the right software, you answer ad-hoc questions like

  • How large is the purchasing volume per item?
  • Is there any material cost changes from price effects?
  • How high is the number of orders per unit of time?
  • What are the fixed costs of purchasing?
  • and some others

to get a meaningful picture of the effectiveness and effectiveness of purchasing through reports and status reports. Purchase order will be visible. Complex processes can be optimized and simplified. The implementation is successfully accompanied.  

Best Practice directly from the macs experts  

In recent customer projects, macs has implemented exactly this requirement by way of example. In a team Live Event, the macs experts share their experience and report on 12.04.2023 at 1 1: 00-11:45 pm. This is where you can log in

Manuel Dengler also provides you with the big controlling system, So the Big Picture of a successful integrated corporate governance. It describes what important information from other business areas, such as sales to purchasing controlling, and which information from the purchase will profit from other business areas, in order to successfully solve the tasks on the way to the best result.

Fabian Müller then enters the projects himself with you. In the macs Software , the controlling expert shows you what you need to pay special attention to, gives best practice tips and shows how to best avoid potential errors.

Are you in the process?

Recording available to look up

Don't miss this event. This is an important added value for your tasks in controlling. If you and your colleagues are already scheduled to be scheduled for purchase on 12.04.2023 at 11:00 am, please sign in anyway. macs records the event   and sends the link to all registered participants.  

Would you like to invite your colleagues from the purchase? Gladly! We are looking forward to the exchange. Log in here 

If you already want to learn more about macs and the module macs Product Costing , check out the macs website or book your personal expert talk with one of the macs consultants.